The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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events:next [2024/06/04 13:25]
events:next [2024/12/16 13:39] (current)
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-<fs xx-large><fc #e37700>**Event 13 Rumours**</fc></fs>+<fs xx-large><fc #e37700>**Event 15 Rumours**</fc></fs> 
 +Watch this space...
-Freelancers are reporting a string of missions to acquire paper documents rather than digital records. These seem to be largely quite mundane information as well, nothing corporate, nothing scientific, nothing of what anyone would consider real worth within the Zone. Enquiries have not led towards an identity for the hirers of these missions, but staff at all the various bars insist these missions are benign.\\ 
-An unknown party has been claiming to have found the body of Malcolm Cartwell, one of the first truly legendary freelancers, who vanished in early 2026. Claims of Malcolm's death were disputed by a great many people and it was widely believed he had gone into hiding in pursuit of some great secret. The unknown party is said to be seeking aid in recovering the body, and they have given no details on how recently he would appear to have died.  
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events/next.1717507536.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/04 13:25 by mochtire