The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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rules:downtime [2022/12/10 09:27]
aettles ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation
rules:downtime [2024/07/31 11:16] (current)
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-=====Downtime=====+<fs xx-large><fc #e37700>**Downtime Process**</fc></fs>
-  The downtime process is now entirely optional+**Downtime is an optional process but it does provide several options to improve your character and make your own life a little more comfortable at events.**\\ 
-  We will go through the majority of the process at the event itself+\\ 
-  Any online submission will only be needed if you intend for your character +**After each event you will need to contact the game team and let them know how you intend to spend your downtimeAll available downtime actions have a cost in weeks, there is a total of 8 weeks available between each eventPlease give as much detail as you can. The game team are happy to have conversations on our Discord to hammer out details of more complex actions.**\\ 
-  to do something specific between events. +\\ 
-  If no downtime is submitted your character will take any required bed rest +<fs large><fc #e37700>**Finances**</fc></fs>
-  to recuperate and then the reminder of their time will be filled with Guard Duty. +
-  20% of your debts will be paid and you will be allocated either Basic or +
-  Scavenger living expenses depending on your skill set+
-   +
-  If you want to buy new skills you will need to submit downtime.+
-====At The Event Itself====+**Before anything else happens you will need to organise your finances. If you do not submit downtime the game team will do this part for you.** 
 +  - Pay lifestyle (see [[rules:lifestyle|this page]] for details). The game team will default to the Basic lifestyle **//not sleeping at the Manor//** unless you can't afford it.  
 +  - Service debts. You must pay a minimum of 20% off any accrued debts or the Bar will come for your knees. If you cannot pay you will need to make an arrangement with the Bar that you might not like. You can always pay extra. The game team will default to 20%
-You should go through all the Wound Cards you have received, and work out the total number of weeks of bed rest you need and any medical expenses that need to be met. The referees will record these details on the cash records for that event.\\ +<fs large><fc #e37700>**Skills**</fc></fs>
-You should also hand in any food items you intend to use to lower your living expenses and all laminated tokens for parts that you intend to use to carry out repairs or upgrades as well.\\ +
-If you have acquired any crafting materials or gained access to the shared workspace this also needs to be noted to the referees.\\ +
-Any weapons or armour used at that event will need to be maintained. If you have the Equipment Maintenance skill you can do this for 50c per weapon and 100c per suit of armour. If you used two weapons, you need to pay costs twice. If you do not have the skill you can pay an NPC to do it for 200c for a weapon and 400c for armour, or you can find a PC with the gunsmithing and/or armoursmithing skills. Regardless of who does the work please tell the referee how much you are spending and if you are paying a PC, which one.+
-====Servicing Debt====+**During each downtime phase a selection of skills will be made available to learn. This list is generated randomly, but it can be influenced by talking to Bar NPCs and putting up cash bounties to attract the right people to teach the skills. Just asking the game team does nothing, you need to take some action at an event. These skills cost an amount of credits as listed on the [[rules:skills|skills page]].\\ 
 +Any skill that has been researched by a player can be taught for free by any player that knows it to any other player.**\\
-If you still owe the Barkeep money from character generation then you must pay at least 20% of the current debt off during downtime. If you cannot manage this please contact a referee. You can of course pay back more than the minimum 20%. +<fs large><fc #e37700>**Activities**</fc></fs>\\
-====Living Expenses====+^Activity^Description^Cost in Weeks^Other Costs^ 
 +|Making Food|Food can either be grown or 3D printed. Enough is produced to feed one person for the full 8 weeks of downtime, with enough leftovers for people to bring their own food at eat at the next event. Grown food is vegetables and fruits, printed food is meat, cheese, pasta and bread. Players can team up so they both at events. Players should not be eating anything ic other than what the Bar provides if they have not taken this action.|1 week|50c per person| 
 +|Crafting|Please see the currently available [[farm:farmkit|recipes]] for details|As per recipe|As per recipe| 
 +|Research Project|Characters may wish to develop a new crafting recipe based on known science, or expand the database of known science ready for future recipes. Projects can be quite generic (what does X anomaly do and why) or quite specific (can I adapt what we know about anomaly X to make a ray gun). Speak to a ref with your ideas|5 weeks|Varies, usually nothing| 
 +|Guard Duty|The Bar will pay people 400c a week to do guard duty at the Bar.|1 week|nothing| 
 +|Scavenging|A character can go through old buildings, the sites of gunfights or anything else they find. This will yield a small amount of credits and occasionally some fancier loot. On average, scavenging yields far less in credits than guard duty|1 week|nothing| 
 +|Recuperation|Characters that undergo surgery for whatever reason will need to spend some time recovering. Installation of bionic limbs or other cyberware might have a low recovery time, full organ replacement might take a complete downtime.|Varies|None| 
 +|Other...|You are free to try and do almost anything during your downtime. The only stipulation is that you can't do anything that would normally require an uptime mission. If you want to revisit an anomaly to get further readings that needs to happen at an event. Anything that might cause combat needs to happen at an event. In the past characters have gone scavenging for specific items, gone exploring towards unknown parts of the Zone, or spent time in bars trying to find information. We will try and enable anything you want to do, within the conditions above.|Variable|Variable|
-After each game event you must pay living expenses for the time between that event and the next one. Those are determined by the table given below.+<fs large><fc #e37700>**How To Submit Downtime**</fc></fs>
-^Name^Description^Game Effect Next Event^Cost^ +**And herein lies the fun bit...\\ 
-|Scavenger|The character forages for foodsleeps rough, and rarely spends any time indoors.|-20 hit points and -1 melee hits|0c| +\\ 
-|Inferior|The character forages for about half their meals, and sleeps rough almost all the time.|-10 hit points and -1 melee hit|1000c| +So far we have used an online formpaper forms at the event, and one to one time with each player at events, and none of these systems have workedThe online form generally got very low take-up, the paper forms at events yielded at least one form with nothing on it except the word nanotechnology in all caps, and the one-to-one talks were too time consuming when we'd all rather be shooting stuff.\\ 
-|Basic|The character eats canned food or noodlessleeps rough some of the time, and rents a bed at the bar once or twice a week|No health penalties|3000c| +\\ 
-|Superior|The character eats almost exclusively canned foodtakes vitamins and rents a bed at the bar almost every night|+10 hit points|5000c| +So long as all the various bits and pieces listed above happenwe are no longer concerned how they are communicatedWe have an active Facebook and Discord presenceeither are acceptable ways to contact the game teamalong with the official email <>In addition we will advertise times where the game team will be available on Discord to discuss project ideas, mission requests or anything else that comes up.**
-|Opulent|The character eats canned food most of the time, but occasionally manages to get hold of fresh vegetables, takes vitamins and has a permanent bed or room at the bar|+20 hit points+1 melee hit|8000c| +
- +
-The Survivalist and Trapper skills can negate the health penalties for the two cheaper lifestylesHowever it does not alter the lifestyle. You are still sleeping rough and eating roast rabbit and foraged mushrooms most of the time. The BasicSuperior and Opulent lifestyles are not made any cheaper by those skills. If you want to live wellyou pay. +
- +
-====Downtime Points==== +
- +
-Each character gets 8 downtime points to spendThese each represent one week of activityThe various options on how to spend those points are on [[rules:actions|this page]].+
-====Fill In The Online Return====+<fs large><fc #e37700>**Deadlines**</fc></fs>
-We will do most of your sums for you when we get your return.\\ +**Gun programming happens 2-3 days before an eventAnything that would affect that has to happen by the weekend before each event. That means adding new skillsinstalling weapon upgrades and purchasing new weapons or armour. If it affects weapon damage or your health stat, we need to know about it week before the event.\\
-Fill in all the relevant sections as best you cancontact system referee if you have any queries.\\+
 \\ \\
-The link for the returns form will be posted on the Facebook page after every event.\\+Research projects may well lead to crafting a weapon or armour upgrade so the above applies. Other projects will require updates to the wiki and may yield information relevant to plot at the next event. The sooner these can be submitted the better so that teaser information can go out and we can get suitable consequences written into the next event.\\
 \\ \\
-Once all returns have been submitted we will process them and send out current inventory, skill list and cash balance to everyone, and their health and hit points for the next event. Where a character has carried out research they will be sent the results near to the start of the next event.\\+Should anything you want to do require mission to be written for the next event that will also take some time so the sooner you can get such a request in the better. We are still writing right up to the last minute and we can and do improvise encounters and mini missions but we will not always have the necessary props and QR codes working last minute.**
rules/downtime.1670664433.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/10 09:27 by aettles