**The Farm Library**
**Players managed to seize one of the Long Gamer's fabled archives of paper documents. This is currently stashed at the Farm. To be clear, everything listed here is a paper record of some description. Files held digitally are in the [[farm:farmarchive|Data Archive]] section.**\\
**How This Works**
**Typing every conceivable document up would be a huge ballache and largely unnecessary. Instead we are going to run the library as something you can interrogate. Ask the game team a question, and the library might provide an answer.**\\
**Research projects can be run to order and index the cache (the Long Gamers just shoved stuff in a box) which will speed up the process of answering questions. Currently, fishing through an unordered box of random papers for a specific answer is going to take a significant amount of time. Indexing will dramatically lower that until we hit the point where questions can be answered almost instantly.**\\
**From a game team perspective, as we answer a question we will try and put a suitable ic document together at the same time. Naturally, this may then contain other little titbits that may be useful...**\\
**The Long Gamers are primarily concerned with being on the top of the heap when the Zone covers the whole planet. Thus their archive is largely scientific or geographic data, specific to anomalies, the Zone and related phenomenon. They've only ever concerned themselves with corporate data where it relates to an experiment based on anomalies, or data for immediate sale to fund other work.**