;#; **How To Upgrade Your Kit** ;#; **Weapons** * Weapons all come in a light and heavy version. A light weapon can be upgraded to heavy at a cost to the weaponsmith of 1.5 times the difference between the prices of new light and heavy weapons. This will increase the damage by 5 or 10 depending on the weapon type. * Most weapons now have a power upgrade which will increase the weapon damage by 5. * Pistols, SMGs and assault rifles can all use teflon-coated ammo. This is quite an expensive upgrade that only lasts for one event. * Some weapons have other upgrades, such as increased magazine size or improved rate of fire. **Armour** * All armour comes in a light and heavy version. Light armour can be upgraded to heavy at a cost to the armoursmith of 1.5 times the difference between the prices of new light and heavy armour. This will increase your health by 5 or 10 depending on the armour type. * You can buy better armour. Combat armour is much better than patrol armour in a firefight, an environment suit is about the same as patrol armour but has significant environmental protections. * All three types of armour can have extra materials added to add 5 more health. An environment suit can also have extra protections added against anomalies. * You can use a personal shield, which adds 10 more health. A shield will stack with other types of armour. **Other Kit** * Scientific instruments can be upgraded to improve the distance scanned (ref will bring QR codes a bit closer) and to provide limited information about the composition or function of an object scanned. * You can build/buy an anomaly scanner that will detect nearby anomalies and give some information about its properties. * You can pay money in downtime to live a better lifestyle. This will boost your health for the next event. **Players are encouraged to trade their skills and sell upgrades to others at an event, or to use the Discord to advertise their wares.**