Combat Calls

There are currently only two combat calls in the game. The intention is to keep things that way for as long as possible. Players researching new skills should keep in mind that introducing new calls is something the game team is very keen to avoid.

Point Blank

This call can only be used on someone reduced to 0 health in ranged combat or 0 hits in melee combat. Anyone using this call must be within 2 or 3 metres of their target. They should fire a single round from their firearm towards the target and then make the call Point Blank. The target is then unconscious and should start a 300 second death count. If they reach 0 they have died. The target cannot use First Aid on themselves and must be healed by someone else.

Coup de Grace

This call can only be used by players. NPCs will never use this call.
As with Point Blank, this call can only be used on someone reduced to 0 health in ranged combat or 0 hits in melee combat. You must be within 1 metre of your target, and should fire at least 2 rounds into the target, or roleplay a suitable melee strike meant to kill. The target is immediately killed with no death count.
It is worth noting that while a Coup de Grace kills 99.9% of targets in the Zone, that 0.1% is very much still out thereā€¦
If you are deliberately aiming to kill an NPC or prevent an NPC from regenerating please use this call.