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rules:wounds [2024/02/27 13:48]
rules:wounds [2025/03/09 18:27] (current)
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-<fs xx-large><fc #e37700>**Currently Under Review**</fc></fs>+<fs xx-large><fc #e37700>**Wounds & Long-Term Effects**</fc></fs>
-=====Wounds & Long-Term Effects=====+<fs large><fc #e37700>**Long-Term Effects**</fc></fs>
-If you are the target of a Point Blank call you will receive a Wound Card.\\ +**Certain effects within the game might last across multiple events. Where these occur results will be recorded on the character database maintained by the referee teamFor example;**
-{{start:rules:capture.jpg|Sample wound card}} +
-Tear the card open when you receive it, follow any instructions you need to, and then keep it somewhere safe. At the end of the event you should hand all your wound cards in. The referees will then provide you with a medical bill before you complete your downtime return.\\ +
-\\ +
-There are four kinds of wound card you may receive.+
-===Infected Wound===+  * **Some players have contracted an unknown virus. So far this has had no adverse effects, but it remains in play.** 
 +  * **Some players contracted the phage virus. A cure now exists but until it is administered it remains on file.** 
 +  * **Some players developed mutations and internal organ damage due to eating lamb kebabs from a dubious source. The affected characters that were affected have now died (of other causes) and the survivors have mitigated the effects.**
-These cards are all identical. One 500 credit course of antibiotics will cure **all** the infected wounds you receive during an event, the effects do not stack. If the full course of drugs is paid for, the character will fully recover. If they can only afford 250 credits they will be at half health the next event, and fully recovered the event after. If they cannot afford any of the drugs, they will die before the start of the next event.+<fs large><fc #e37700>**Short-Term Effects**</fc></fs>
-===Shrapnel Wound===+**Anomalies, certain weapons and environmental effects can cause lingering effects to a character. Where this happens the player will be given a laminated QR code.**
-These cards are all identical. The effects of these cards stack. Each one must be treated by someone with the surgery skillPCs with the skill are free to charge what they likegoing to an NPC surgeon has a fixed cost. See the [[rules:other|equipment list]] for detailsIf a shrapnel wound is not treated before the start of the next event the character will start the event at -10 health for every untreated shrapnel woundIf a PC surgeon fixes the wound in uptime they should write their name on the Wound Card before the wounded character hands it in.+  * **The code should be keep on you at all times, hidden in a pocketIf another players scans you with a suitable device, check if they have any of the skills listed on your QR code and if they dopass them the code. Keeping the code out of sight is to prevent meta-gaming.** 
 +  * **Where an effect has clearly visible signs on the character, suitable make-up will be provided and you will be asked to wear the QR code openly.** 
 +  * **When the effect is cured, removed or wears off, hand the QR code back to a member of the crew.** 
 +  * **All such QR codes end at the end of the event they were given out at. Where any effect lingers it will be recorded on the character database as above.** 
 +  * **The back of the QR code will have any rules or roleplay effects you should observe while under the effect.**
-===Severe Wound===+<fs large><fc #e37700>**Lingering Combat Injuries**</fc></fs>
-These cards vary slightly. They all represent wounds that have caused degree of internal damage that will require extended bed rest to fully heal them. Exactly how much bed rest is required will be printed on the card. If you cannot or do not take all the required bed rest you will start the next event at -5 health for every week of bed rest missed.+<fc #6495ed>**This is currently proposal only.**</fc>
-===Others===+**When you return from a mission that has been a bit hectic or otherwise put your character through the wringer you can choose for your character to have suffered a lingering combat injury of some kind. A set of twenty QR codes are available, about ten of which will be stuck to the kitchen door in the Bar. When you return from a mission you can choose to scan one of the QR codes at random, and follow the instructions on that card. Every few missions the ref team will scramble the QR codes up and put a new set of ten on the door.**
-These cards are usually specific to a situation or mission, but there is a slight chance they come up randomlyIn all cases the full rules for what the "other" injury does will be printed on the card. If you have any queries, take the card to a referee.\\ +  * **All twenty QR codes have roleplaying effects you will need to follow until the cure condition is met.** 
-Some of the "other" cards may have roleplaying effects you should followlong-term side-effects or unique cure conditions. They will also describe the consequences if you cannot meet those cure conditions.\\ +  * **Most of the QR codes will need one or more people with the First Aid skill to help you treat the injuryA few can be cured solely by the injured party.** 
-\\ +  * **None of them will require resources to be used above and beyond the commonly available medical supplies (first aid suppliespainkillers, mood stabilisers, anti-rads, epinephrine)** 
-A significant percentage of Wound Cards are blankBreathe sigh of relief and carry on with your day.+  * **This is entirely voluntaryNo-one is required to scan code when they come back off a mission, and no-one should be scanning codes more than 2-3 times per event.**
-====Zero Health====+**A sample of three of the QR codes** 
 +<wrap third column> 
 +<wrap third column> 
 +<wrap third column> 
-If a combination of penalties for untreated wounds and poor lifestyle mean you would be starting the next event at 0 health or below then either your injuries or exposure have killed you between events. 
rules/wounds.1709041716.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/27 13:48 by mochtire