The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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The Event

Some context ooc

When you entered the Zone at Event 1, that was in August 2032. The start of Event 14 was the two year anniversary of entering the Zone for any characters still around. The start of Event 15 coming up will be October 2034.

Dates are intentionally kept vague…

What Happened?

On September 8th, about three weeks before the start of Event 15 what was described as a green mushroom cloud was seen in the direction of the military compound at the centre of the Zone. Most people who saw it immediately rushed inside and took shelter, but a handful set up recording devices. They report a strong gust of wind from the epicentre of the blast that knocked people off their feet, sent possessions flying and broke a few windows. People were otherwise unharmed. Analysis showed that the wind was heavily laced with anomalous energy of an unrecognised type.

A handful of attempts were made to get to the military compound but the perimeter anomalies remained in place, preventing entrance. No troops were anywhere to be seen though.

Four days after the explosion the sky turned red across the entire Zone.

Anyone caught outside under the red sky was wracked with pain, worse than anything they had experienced before. Those able to move crawled into what shelter they could find and reported that the pain stopped just as soon as they were inside a reasonably sturdy building. Others made into walled tents or old sheds. Anything with walls and a roof seems to have been sufficient. Anyone that did not make it into shelter died within 4 or 5 minutes of the pain starting, screaming in agony the entire time.

An exact death toll is as yet unknown, because by far the greatest number of casualties is expected to have been amongst the bandit community and no-one keeps count of them, but corpses have been discovered all over the place. The best guess offered so far is that around 50% of the people living outside the corporate, military or Bar systems are now dead. A handful of autopsies were done, at least a handful anyone admitted to, and the cause of death was reported as death by burning. Each victim's blood boiled within their vascular system, burning every blood vessel allowing the boilding fluid to pass unchecked around the entire body.

Five days later it happened again.

Since then the red sky event has happened every 4 to 7 days across the entire Zone. Each event lasts maybe 10-15 minutes and anyone not in a building or tent dies. Various scientist groups have conducted tests, including live testing on captured bandits and the only protection seems to be a roof and 4 walls. The quality and material of the walls and roof seems to be irrelevant.

The Bars have set up a radio warning system, broadcasting an alert when the first sounds of a red sky event are detected. People have about 3 minutes to get indoors when they hear the warning.

emission/existingbriefing.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/12 14:40 by mochtire