This is an old revision of the document!
Ticket Price:
Player Ticket: £70 (Includes Gun Hire and Partial Catering)
Crew Ticket: Free (and Full Catering)
Giants Seat Scout Camp
Mostly Camping, Some Bunk Space Available
To book onto an event contact the ref team either through the Facebook group or via
We do not use a booking form and there is currently no limit on player places for any event.
Crewing is free and catered, please contact the ref team if you wish to crew. Crewing is predominantly about the gun combat, but there are roleplay opportunities as well.
We may also be seeking an additional writer/referee at some point in 2024.
Event 11 Rumours
Another 8 weeks has gone by, and almost everyone has spent them waiting for the other shoe to drop. There have been no more artillery bombardments, but if the military are willing to use weapons like that who knows what they will move on to next. Security around the inner perimeter has tightened considerably, anyone venturing that far towards the centre has reported that troop numbers have roughly doubled over the last reported levels. The assumption seems to be that the perceived threat level has risen drastically but no-one has any real idea why.
Freelancers with contacts among the factions have reported that some of them have been far harder to contact, or have outright disappeared. Rumour has it that several senior members of each of the factions have died or disappeared and that the rest are battening down the hatches against the perceived enemy. Some have suggested that this is the much-anticipated military response and that rather then open gunfights the military have chosen to quietly remove senior leaders from any organised group. Vague reports of chaos among some larger bandit gangs suggest it isn't just the factions being targeted. Anyone frequenting a bar during this period will notice a subtle increase in security precautions and a lot more obvious guns lying around right where a barkeep could easily reach them.
Wild tales about objects appearing out of thin air have been getting more and more frequent. Most commonly, oil drums have been appearing between 70 and 120cm above the ground before dropping to the floor. There have been one or two unfortunate accidents where the appearance prompted gunfire and some freelancers caught stray rounds.