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Medical examinations of freelancer personnel

Preliminary findings - 1st testing round

  1. General health is reasonable given the circumstances. Several participants show signs of stress-related conditions but nothing requiring medication. All participants show signs of inadequate vitamin intake, notably vitamin C, and a lack of certain minerals associated with certain vegetables. Some cases of vitamin deficiency are more pronounced than others, none are life-threatening.
  2. A large subset of freelancers show significant damage to both liver and kidney function. This group can be further divided into two distinct subgroups with one operating at a measurably higher level of damage than the other. The cause of the damage is currently unknown but further scans of the blood samples show the presence of the mutagenic compound discovered in the soil around the Murder Hornet hive.
  3. Bedwyr Bedrydant, Richard O’Shea, Lyra Varga, Evie, Jason Hall, Gabrielle Stone and Dr. John Thomas are all carrying the same unidentified viral infection. It appears to be blood-borne and was thus contracted at some point when they were injured in combat. The precise infection method is unknown. At present the virus appears to be benign, but it does appear to be accumulating around the respiratory system in the main. Further analysis will be needed, but a sample of the virus has been isolated.
  4. Gareth Merric declined to participate. Given the various traumas he has been put through, it is perhaps best his health does not distort the overall picture, but he should probably be checked for the organ damage others have suffered, and to determine whether or not he carries the viral infection.

Liver Function

Alan Henson, Sergei Egorov, Evie, Ford, Jason Hall and Gabrielle Stone all shows signs of liver dysfunction at least 3-4 months old. The liver appears to be cancerous, but at an extremely early stage. This should be easily corrected with surgery. Materials identified from the anomaly around the Murder Hornet hive are present within the small cancerous growths. Sergei Egorov, Evie, Jason Hall and Gabrielle Stone show markedly higher quantities of the anomalous materials than Ford or Alan Henson.

Lyra Vaga, Rick Roy, Alexander Kurgan and Conrad Black all show signs of the anomalous materials within their liver but at present there are no cancerous cells detectable.

Kidney Function

Alan Henson, Sergei Egorov, Evie, Ford, Jason Hall and Gabrielle Stone all shows signs of kidney dysfunction at least 3-4 months old. The kidneys appear to be operating at 80-85% efficiency, varying across the sample of freelancers. Sergei Egorov, Evie, Jason Hall and Gabrielle Stone are at the lower end of that bracket, Ford and Alan Henson are at the 85% mark. The same anomalous materials appear to be present but they do not appear to be causing any cancerous growths. Instead the materials seem to be actively killing the kidneys from the outside, working inwards. If the materials can be removed the damage can be halted but it cannot currently be healed. At current rate of progression it is estimated that a transplant will be required within the next 6 months and total renal failure within 8 months.

Lyra Vaga, Rick Roy, Alexander Kurgan and Conrad Black all show signs of the anomalous materials and they are beginning to cause damage but as yet no significant loss of kidney function has occurred.

Preliminary findings - 2nd testing round

A second round of testing suggests that the treatments for the degenerative liver condition were successful and all those affected, whilst not at full liver function, are slowly improving.
Surgery to remove the cancerous growths was a complete success in all cases.

Removal of the anomalous materials from the kidneys has been a success and whilst no damage has been repaired, no further damage is being caused. Recommend all those afflicted increase their water intake 50% to help flush their system out.

Bedwyr Bedrydant, Richard O’Shea, Lyra Varga, Evie, Jason Hall, Gabrielle Stone and Dr. John Thomas are all still carrying the same unidentified viral infection. Viral samples were taken when the project began and a second set have been taken with the second round of testing, but it is an urgent priority that these samples be studied. As yet the virus remains benign but we do not know if that will last.

Harry is presenting an unusual case currently. She has been the recipient of two cybernetic implants wired around her brain and as yet the long term effects of such devices are unclear. The exact function of both devices is unclear from a medical standpoint but the devices are both drawing power from systems within Harry and there is a significant risk of adverse electrical activity affecting the brain or causing a cardiac event. Recommend extensive monitoring.

No new additional conditions have presented themselves.

farm/data/health.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/06 19:42 by mochtire