This is an old revision of the document!
As the farm is expanded, fortified and new facilities are added, players will be able to manufacture new items from scratch using 3D printing technology. As new recipes and schematics are acquired, the available equipment will be listed here. Manufacturing your own kit has a cost in both time and resources. For now, the resource element will be listed as a cash cost in credits. That may well change over time. The time cost is measured in how many of a given item you can make in a single week of downtime, or how many weeks a larger project takes.
Current Facilities: Chemistry lab Surgical bay Weapon & Armour workshop Server Hydroponics bay Theoretical Physics lab Biology lab Zone Map
Characters can spend time poring over data they have acquired in the field and either arrive at a deeper understanding of the science behind the data or attempt to replicate the technology involved.
They can reverse engineer chemicals and medicines acquired at events and produce schematics to manufacture them in bulk.
Name | Description | Cash Cost | Time Cost |
Painkillers | Basic painkillers in pill form | 500c per 100 | 100 per week |
Mood stabilisers | Mood stabiliser drugs in pill form | 1500c per 100 | 100 per week |
Epinephrine | Adrenaline shot | 200c per shot | 5 shots per week |
Regen package | 1 each of the three regeneration compounds. Anyone taking the pills will regenerate all combat damage every 300 seconds. This will not regenerate someone from deactivation. This recipe requires the base compound to be extracted from an anomaly | 2000c per batch | 1 batch per week |
Stabilisation package | A batch of 6 pills to prevent the regeneration compounds from causing a psychotic break. 1 batch must be taken every 2 weeks | 250c per batch | 4 batches per week |
Rapid Healing | A batch of pills taken at the start of a period of bed rest that will halve the time needed to rest (rounded down) | 600c per batch | 1 batch per week |
Phage Virus Cure | A simple shot that cures the Phage virus. It must be used within 4 weeks of crafting. | 500c for 10 doses | 10 doses per week |
Antibiotics | A standard course of antibiotics that should cure most normal infections. | 500c for a single course | ! course per week |
Characters can spend time poring over data they have acquired in the field and either arrive at a deeper understanding of the science behind the data or attempt to replicate the technology involved.
They can produce schematics to manufacture new items based on new scientific principles discovered in the field.
Name | Description | Cash Cost | Time Cost |
Hardening | Can be used to defend a building from small-scale EMP attacks | 5000c per building | 1 building takes 2 weeks |
Characters can spend time poring over data they have acquired in the field and either arrive at a deeper understanding of the science behind the data or attempt to replicate the technology involved.
They can produce schematics to manufacture new items based on new scientific principles discovered in the field.
Name | Description | Cash Cost | Time Cost |
Weaponised CJD virus | A small sample of the weaponised CJD virus, enough for research purposes | 500c per sample | 1 sample per week |
Vaccine for CJD virus | An as yet untested vaccine for the weaponised virus above | 3000c per dose | 10 doses per week |
Artificial blood plasma | Can be used by a skilled surgeon to help flush someone's blood of a toxin | 2000c per treatment | 1 treatment per week |
Skin regrowth compound | Can be used by a skilled surgeon to reduce the healing time from invasive surgery | 2000c per treatment | 1 treatment per week |
This is predominantly used for manufacturing purposes.
New and unusual weapons or armour can be analysed and reverse engineered to produce schematics.
Name | Description | Cash Cost | Time Cost |
Smoke Grenade | A single smoke grenade, either yellow or white | 200c for 10 | 10 per week |
Knockout Grenade | A blue smoke grenade. Anyone touching the smoke is instantly knocked unconscious | 300c for 5 | 5 per week |
Assault Rifle RoF upgrade | No phys-rep needed. The upgraded assault rifle becomes fully automatic | 300c per upgrade | 2 upgrades per week |
Assault Rifle power upgrade | Increases the damage done by any assault rifle by 5. Light rifles can still be upgraded to heavy | 300c per upgrade | 1 upgrade per week |
SMGe power upgrade | Increases the damage done by any SMG by 5. Light SMGs can still be upgraded to heavy | 300c per upgrade | 1 upgrade per week |
Pistol clip size | Increases the clip size of a pistol by 50% | 300c per upgrade | 2 upgrades per week |
Assault Rifle or SMG clip size | Increases the clip size of an assault rifle or SMG by 50% | 300c per upgrade | 2 upgrades per week |
Pistol power upgrade | Increases the damage done by any pistol by 5. Light pistols can still be upgraded to heavy | 300c per upgrade | 1 upgrade per week |
DMR power upgrade | Increases the damage done by a DMR by 5. | 400c per upgrade | 1 upgrade per week |
Suppressor | Reduces the noise by any weapon it is attached to. Must be crafted for a specific weapon type. | 300c each | 1 per week |
Super-heating Barrel | Rapidly heats the bullet in an assault rifle, DMR or sniper barrel. WARNING: THIS IS NON-FUNCTIONAL AND WILL DESTROY THE WEAPON IT IS ATTACHED TO | 500c each | 1 per week |
Teflon Coating | Increases damage in any pistol, SMG or Assault Rifle by 5 for one event only. | 1200c per person per event | 1 week per person |
Name | Description | Cash Cost | Time Cost |
Plating upgrade | Additional plating inside a suit of patrol armour. Adds 5 health. Can be done to either light or heavy armour. Upgraded light armour can still be upgraded to heavy | 600c | 1 upgrade per week |
Padding upgrade | Additional padding inside a suit of combat armour. Adds 5 health. Can be done to either light or heavy armour. Upgraded light armour can still be upgraded to heavy | 800c | 1 upgrade per week |
Anomaly upgrade | Provides a limited amount of protection against direct effects from anomalous regions. Can be applied to any grade of Environment Suit | 8000c | 1 upgrade per week |
Plating upgrade | Provides thicker plating inside an environment suit. Adds 5 health. Can be done to either light or heavy suit. Upgraded light suit can still be upgraded to heavy | 1400c | 1 upgrade per week |
Name | Description | Cash Cost | Time Cost |
Liquid Explosives | A green fluid. A single 20ml vial produces an explosion roughly equivalent to a standard grenade | 1000c for 20ml | 1 litre per week |
Plastic Explosive | A solid clay-like substance. 100g produces an explosion roughly equivalent to a standard grenade | 500c per 100g | 1kg per week |
Name | Description | Cash Cost | Time Cost |
Anomaly scanner | Detects anomalous regions within a limited range and provides analysis of the area's effects | 2000c per scanner | 1 scanner per week |
Cyberimplant A | Implants a web of wiring that taps into the central nervous system to record all sensory input. This input can be stored and/or transmitted live | 2000c per implant | 1 implant per week |
Scanning implant | Works the same way as the anomaly scanner, but implanted into the skull. Requires Cyberimplant A to be installed | 3000c per implant | 1 implant per week |
Autopilot implant | Implants a network of devices that will take control of an unconscious injured person and walk them towards a designated target. The target can be GPS based or a homing device | 3000c per implant | 1 implant per week |
Homing Beacon | A small GPS device that serves as the target location for any Autopilot implant paired to it | 1000c per device | 1 device per week |
Homing Beacon Implant | As above, but surgically implanted in a human host | 2000c per device | 1 device per week |
Encrypted Radios | A standard field radio but encrypted. A newly built radio is either on its own network or must be coded to an existing network using an already coded radio | 400c per radio | 3 radios per week |
Anomaly Shielding | Shields internal implants from most of the adverse effects of anomalies. Does not protect the user, only their implants | 1200c per implant | 1 implant per week |
All cybernetic implants or upgrades require a week of downtime for the surgery and a week of downtime from the recipient for recovery. The Cybersurgery skill is needed for implanting.
Characters with the relevant skill(s) can carry out autopsies and biopsies.
Items can be surgically implanted.
Name | Description | Cash Cost | Time Cost |
Bionic Arm | An artificial arm wired into the nervous system, capable of further upgrades. The arm will slightly increase the rate of fire of any weapon used with it | 3000c per arm | 1 arm per week |
Artificial Eye | A replacement eye that can be wired into the visual cortex, acting as a normal eye. If cyberimplant A is present the eye can be hooked up to that. | 4000c per eye | 1 eye per week |
High-end computers and storage for coding and mathematics work.
Characters can analyse any computer code they come across and get a more detailed breakdown of how it works.
The servers will be able to host any software systems found at events which may have an impact on other crafting options.
Name | Description | Cash Cost | Time Cost |
3D printer upgrades | 3D printers are upgraded to make use of nanotechnology to convert scrap into usable printing materials. Manufacture costs for all recipes are reduced by up to 50% | 400c per upgrade | 1 upgrade per week |
3D printer efficiency upgrades | 3D printers are upgraded to use fewer materials and to take less time. Some recipes will produce more in the same time | 1000c per upgrade | 1 week |
Scientific instruments upgrade | firmware upgrade for instruments used for Data Gathering skill. An upgraded set of instruments will have a slightly better range (the ref will bring QR codes in dangerous areas closer to you) | 600c per upgrade | 1 upgrade per week |
Analyser upgrade | firmware upgrade for instruments used for Data Gathering skill. This upgrade will give some clues as to the function, properties or uses of scanned items | 1000c per upgrade | 1 upgrade per week |
Transmitter upgrade | Firmware upgrade for any device transmitting on the E-M spectrum that significantly increases transmission range | 250c per upgrade | 3 upgrades per week |
Characters can grow almost any kind of normal plant provided they have seeds for the first time the plant is grown.
Name | Description | Cash Cost | Time Cost |
Alcohol | Produces generic biomass suitable for producing ethanol | 5c per litre | Max 100 litres per week |
Vegetables | Produces edible vegetables, enough to feed someone for 8 weeks | 50c per person fed | 1 person per week |
3D printed food | Not strictly a hydroponics recipe, added here for convenience. 3D prints meat, cheese, bread and pasta, enough to feed someone for 8 weeks. | 50c per person fed | 1 person per week |
If a character grows food for themselves using a Hydroponics recipe then their downtime lifestyle costs are reduced by 50% after all other modifiers are taken into account. Whilst this would seem to confer no benefit to someone living the Scavenger lifestyle (with or without suitable skills) a diet of fresh vegetables will avoid some long-term penalties regarding malnutrition.