The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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Rules Changes Since E3

The Nanoengineering skill has been added to the Science list.

Changes have been made to the means by which missions are populated. Missions will be set out on individual sheets with a short briefing note and space to write in the names of players on the mission. There will only be as many spaces on the sheet as are available on the mission itself, typically between six and eight. Players will be expected to go on a maximum of 6 missions in total across the weekend. Where the number of players is lower than usual this maximum may change and this will be stated in the briefing at the start of the event.

Once a mission sheet is full the players on that mission should allocate a time slot and then hand the sheet in to a ref. The list of available time slots will be posted alongside the mission sheets. If a player is not ready to go at the time the mission is slated to start then they will miss that mission. It will still count as one of their missions for purposes of calculating a maximum.

Player-led missions will usually count as one of your maximum number of missions. A small minority of them running at odd hours will not count towards the maximum and where this is the case it will be made very clear ahead of time.

There will be two mission slots on a Friday at 8pm and 9pm, 10 on a Saturday at 10am, 11am, 12pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 8pm and 9pm and then 4 more on a Sunday at 10am, 11am, 12pm and 1pm. Missions will all be done by 2pm with a view to processing character returns between 2pm and 3pm and then calling time out.

rules/changes2.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/10 09:27 by aettles