The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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Rules Changes Since E4

A mission timetable will be released before each event rather than relying on a fixed set of rules. Players will be allowed to do a maximum of 6 of the missions. Anything happening after the 12 timetabled mission slots does not count to the maximum of 6.

The Rapid Reload, Hide Tracks and Cybersurgery skills have been added.

The Farm page has now been linked on the sidebar and is accessible to all. Please note you can only access those facilities as a new character with permission of the existing characters.

Several new crafting recipes have been added on the Farm page.

The Farm data archive is currently under construction and will feature all known science and starting points for further research.

rules/changes3.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/10 09:27 by aettles