The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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Skills Needed

GunsmithingGuns, parts, scopes, automated turrets, base defenses
ArmoursmithingArmour, upgrades and new properties for armour, base defenses
LockpickingSecurity systems, lockboxes
DemolitionsGrenades, bombs, shaped charges, rockets
ChemistrySynthesising compounds, making drugs
MathematicsWriting computer code
SurgeryNot much use to build anything, but vital to install things in a human subject
ElectronicsAny electronic devices

In addition several projects will require multiple skills. These can come from different characters working together. For example, building a computer requires Electronics for the device itself and Mathematics for an operating system to run it. Building a new device to detect specific anomalies and their effects would need Electronics combined with Physics, Biology or Chemistry, depending on the anomaly.


Most crafting is done by 3D printing the relevant parts and then assembling them. To do this someone will need to program the printers correctly. Each item you craft will have a blueprint for the printers. Some of these may be found as loot, others may be written by PCs using scientific and technical skills.

Writing a blueprint is done in downtime using the Project Work option. You will need to have a conversation with a referee about your plans and they will determine the number of weeks needed to finish the blueprint. Smaller projects will typically take 1-4 weeks of downtime, larger projects may take multiple downtimes. As a general rule PCs will find it easier to complete a project in small chunks.

rules/crafting.1637144124.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/17 10:15 by mochtire