The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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Currently Under Review


The downtime process is now entirely optional.
We will go through the majority of the process at the event itself.
Any online submission will only be needed if you intend for your character
to do something specific between events.
If no downtime is submitted your character will take any required bed rest
to recuperate and then the reminder of their time will be filled with Guard Duty.
20% of your debts will be paid and you will be allocated either Basic or
Scavenger living expenses depending on your skill set.

If you want to buy new skills you will need to submit downtime.

At The Event Itself

You should go through all the Wound Cards you have received, and work out the total number of weeks of bed rest you need and any medical expenses that need to be met. The referees will record these details on the cash records for that event.
You should also hand in any food items you intend to use to lower your living expenses and all laminated tokens for parts that you intend to use to carry out repairs or upgrades as well.
If you have acquired any crafting materials or gained access to the shared workspace this also needs to be noted to the referees.
Any weapons or armour used at that event will need to be maintained. If you have the Equipment Maintenance skill you can do this for 50c per weapon and 100c per suit of armour. If you used two weapons, you need to pay costs twice. If you do not have the skill you can pay an NPC to do it for 200c for a weapon and 400c for armour, or you can find a PC with the gunsmithing and/or armoursmithing skills. Regardless of who does the work please tell the referee how much you are spending and if you are paying a PC, which one.

Servicing Debt

If you still owe the Barkeep money from character generation then you must pay at least 20% of the current debt off during downtime. If you cannot manage this please contact a referee. You can of course pay back more than the minimum 20%.

Living Expenses

After each game event you must pay living expenses for the time between that event and the next one. Those are determined by the table given below.

NameDescriptionGame Effect Next EventCost
ScavengerThe character forages for food, sleeps rough, and rarely spends any time indoors.-20 hit points and -1 melee hits0c
InferiorThe character forages for about half their meals, and sleeps rough almost all the time.-10 hit points and -1 melee hit1000c
BasicThe character eats canned food or noodles, sleeps rough some of the time, and rents a bed at the bar once or twice a weekNo health penalties3000c
SuperiorThe character eats almost exclusively canned food, takes vitamins and rents a bed at the bar almost every night+10 hit points5000c
OpulentThe character eats canned food most of the time, but occasionally manages to get hold of fresh vegetables, takes vitamins and has a permanent bed or room at the bar+20 hit points, +1 melee hit8000c

The Survivalist and Trapper skills can negate the health penalties for the two cheaper lifestyles. However it does not alter the lifestyle. You are still sleeping rough and eating roast rabbit and foraged mushrooms most of the time. The Basic, Superior and Opulent lifestyles are not made any cheaper by those skills. If you want to live well, you pay.

Downtime Points

Each character gets 8 downtime points to spend. These each represent one week of activity. The various options on how to spend those points are on this page.

Fill In The Online Return

We will do most of your sums for you when we get your return.
Fill in all the relevant sections as best you can, contact a system referee if you have any queries.

The link for the returns form will be posted on the Facebook page after every event.

Once all returns have been submitted we will process them and send out a current inventory, skill list and cash balance to everyone, and their health and hit points for the next event. Where a character has carried out research they will be sent the results near to the start of the next event.

rules/downtime.1709490997.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/03 18:36 by mochtire