The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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Environmental Effects

As the game develops the players will encounter more and more environmental hazards that the game team will phys-rep in some fashion. A thorough briefing on new effects will be given to players at the start of the event they appear in, or possibly at the start of the specific mission they appear on.

Once a phys-rep has been used for a specific effect that will be recorded here and that phys-rep will always have the same mechanical effect on the character at the time the player encounters the phys-rep. The cause of the effect or the long-term effects may change radically, but the mechanical effect at the time will not.

The rules below are only intended to tell you how to immediately react when you
encounter the effect in question. Mission referees will provide more detail where

This is so you do not need to wait for a referee to tell you how to react and 
you can start to roleplay appropriately as soon as possible.

Blue Smoke

If any part of you (clothed or not) is touched by blue smoke you will immediately be knocked unconscious. Your death count is not triggered by blue smoke but if you were already on your death count you need to continue it. You can be woken up by a few seconds of vigorous shaking from someone else.

Anyone in an environment suit or gas mask is unaffected by blue smoke.

Green Smoke

If any part of you (clothed or not) is touched by green smoke you will immediately start to retch and vomit. Your mission referee will inform you of any further longer-term effects. There is no fixed rule for how long you need to retch, you will vomit until your stomach is empty then retch for a little while.

Anyone in an environment suit is unaffected by green smoke. Anyone in a gas mask will take the initial effects (don't throw up in your gas mask…) but the longer term effects will be significantly reduced. Your mission referee will have the detais.

Red Smoke

If any part of you (clothed or not) is touched by red smoke then your skin will immediately begin to itch and blister. You will start to run a high temperature and sweat profusely. After 3 minutes you will pass out. Your mission referee will inform you of any further effects.

If you are wearing an environment suit you will be unaffected by red smoke. However the game team will be far more strict about coverage. If you have any skin exposed at all the suit will not work and you will take the effect.

rules/effects.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/10 09:27 by aettles