The Zone

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Survival Skills

Cost represents the credits required to be trained in the skill during downtime. This can be ignored for the four starting skills.

SurvivalistThe character is adept at finding shelter in the wilds, and foraging for food and water. The health penalty for an inferior lifestyle is negated, and the health penalty for a scavenger lifestyle is halved. If the character has both the Survivalist and Trapper skills, the health penalty for a scavenger lifestyle is negatedNone1000c
TrapperThe character knows how to hunt and trap animals and how to skin and clean them for meat. The health penalty for an inferior lifestyle is negated, and the health penalty for a scavenger lifestyle is halved. If the character has both the Survivalist and Trapper skills, the health penalty for a scavenger lifestyle is negatedNone1500c
First AidThe character can patch themselves (or others) up after a fight. Each use of this skill requires one use from a first aid kit and one dose of painkillers. See the healing rules for more details.None1500c
TrackingThe character can find and follow tracks. If you see a QR code labelled TRACKS you can scan it to see what details you can learnNone1200c
Hide TracksThe character can erase all physical evidence they were ever in a 5m by 5m area. This takes about 10 minutes of roleplay, and can be use multiple times for larger areasTrackingn/a
rules/skills/survival.1654006143.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/31 14:09 by mochtire