The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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Technical Skills

Cost represents the credits required to be trained in the skill during downtime. This can be ignored for the four starting skills.

Equipment MaintenanceThe character knows how to strip, oil and clean weapons, and keep them operational. They can maintain their own equipment for 50c per ranged weapon, and 100c for a suit of armour. Weapon/armour parts of equivalent value found as loot can be used instead of cash.None1000c
Gun Smithing</fc>The character is capable of repairing other people’s ranged weapons using a smithing kit, at a cost of 50c per weapon. They can also upgrade a light weapon to a heavy weapon for a suitable cost in cash/parts (see equipment). This skill also allows for the creation of relevant crafting blueprints.Equipment Maintenance1500c
Armour SmithingThe character is capable of repairing other people’s armour using a smithing kit, at a cost of 100c per suit. They can also upgrade light armour to heavy for a suitable cost in cash/parts (see equipment). This skill also allows for the creation of relevant crafting blueprints.Equipment Maintenance1500c
LockpickingThe character is adept at bypassing physical security measures, like locks, biometric scanners, or similar devices.None1800c
DemolitionsThe character knows their way around explosives, and can both set charges and attempt to disarm them. This skill also allows for the creation of relevant crafting blueprints.None1800c
HackingThe character is adept at both getting aging computer systems operational again, and extracting data from them. They can also bypass security on such systems.None1800c
SurgeryThe character is capable of carrying out limited small-scale surgical operations. They can treat any wound cards that say Shrapnel Wound on them for half the normal cost. The character can carry out such operations on themselves, but with a risk attached (see a system ref).First Aid1800c
ElectronicsThe character is capable of building, repairing and analysing small electronic devices like scanners or radios. Whilst a character could build a computer with this skill programming one requires the Mathematics skill. This skill also allows for the creation of relevant crafting blueprints.None1800c
CybersurgeryThe character is capable of installing devices inside a human body that can operated by the hostSurgeryn/a

With the hacking, lockpicking and demolitions skills any item the character can hack, pick or disarm will have a QR code on it. The player should scan the code and follow the instructions that come up. If an item can be hacked, picked or disarmed then most of the time it will give you a time frame to complete the work. A ref will set a timer for you and you should roleplay carrying out the task. If you pause, the ref will pause the timer. It is also possible the QR code will tell you a task is impossible, or give specific instructions on what you need to do.

All technical skills require a suitably phys-repped toolkit of some kind. See the Other Equipment page for details.

rules/skills/technical.1670664430.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/10 09:27 by aettles