The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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Event 7 Rumours

It has been suggested that certain corporate groups, having suffered significant losses, have made their activities a little too public. The existence of the Zone's clandestine economy is based entirely on deniability and certain events have been noticed on satellite imaging. It is rumoured that a government crackdown is pending, and that several companies have been told to vacate the Zone before they are forcibly removed.

A man called Zephaniah has been travelling the Zone claiming to have found evidence of a divine presence within a ruined structure out in the wilds. He is struggling to put his experience into words, and he doesn't seem to be grifting because he hasn't asked for any money. Rumours suggest a few freelancers have taken him at his word and gone to look for whatever Zephaniah claims to have seen.

A freelancer by the name of Grace has apparently come up with a blueprint for a new form of firearm, something akin to a railgun. She is supposedly looking for someone that can help her construct a prototype as she lacks the high-end facilities for her plans. She has rejected all offers to buy the blueprint.

Event 7 After Action Report

events/event7.1678793786.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/14 11:36 by mochtire