The Zone

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The Manor House

The acquisition of the Ponsonby Estate brings with it new facilities and some new options and bonuses for characters with access to it.

Sleeping Facilities

Ponsonby had hired a significant number of bandits to organise an assault on the Bar. As part of those preparations, several rooms in the Manor were stocked with bunks. Any character with access to the Farm and Manor can now sleep in a real bed every night. This alters the lifestyle costs as follows.

NameDescriptionGame Effect Next EventCostCost if growing/printing food
ScavengerThe character forages for food, sleeps rough, and rarely spends any time indoors.-20 hit points and -1 melee hits0cn/a
InferiorThe character forages for about half their meals, and sleeps rough almost all the time.-10 hit points and -1 melee hit1000c0c
BasicThe character eats canned food or noodles, sleeps rough some of the time, and rents a bed at the bar once or twice a weekNo health penalties1500c0c
SuperiorThe character eats almost exclusively canned food, takes vitamins and rents a bed at the bar almost every night+10 hit points3000c1500c
OpulentThe character eats canned food most of the time, but occasionally manages to get hold of fresh vegetables, takes vitamins and has a permanent bed or room at the bar+20 hit points, +1 melee hit5000c3500c
farm/manorhouse.1699874697.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/13 11:24 by mochtire