The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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Rules Changes Since E2

Some items have been added for purchase. See equipment lists for details.

Coup de Grace and Point Blank calls have now been clarified. Details are on the Healing & Stabilisation page.

If you are participating in the shared workspace project (currently all surviving players at E2) there are new rules for that project and some of its benefits on a dedicated page. That page is not listed in the sidebar, the link can be found on our Discord server.

Those who did not attend E2 can still access the shared workspace, but they will need permission to do so from the players who set it up. For a variety of reasons I am unwilling to let this happen during downtime, you will need to speak to the players who were at E2 in uptime at an event. How they choose to grant access is entirely up to them. I will be putting some measures in place to prevent unnecessary or unfair gate-keeping though.

More in-depth rules for crafting have now been written. At the moment, only those with access to the shared workspace will be able to use these rules and this will not happen in uptime. Crafting will largely be a downtime activity once materials are acquired in uptime. Since this will not start until E3 downtime, this should not penalise anyone not present at E2.

A new skill has been added, Electronics. This will mainly be used for producing crafting blueprints for electronic devices. This skill will NOT be required for weapon or armour modification projects.

The DMR has been added as a weapon option. Currently there is a light and heavy version just as with all other weapons. I am currently toying with the idea of removing the light/heavy options from the DMR and the Sniper Rifle.

Full rules for creating blueprints and manufacturing items are now on the site.

The downtime process has been modified to make it optional, only players who wish to learn new skills or manufacture items will need to submit downtime.

rules/changes.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/10 09:27 by aettles