The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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Crafting items and upgrades during downtime requires several things.

  • A usable workspace. Currently, only one workspace exists, the Farm. Most characters will be able to access it after their first event.
  • A suitable blueprint. These can be found as loot or developed as a research project. Once found/developed, they can be used repeatedly by anyone with access to it.
  • The relevant skill.
  • Cash or materials.




GunsmithingGuns, parts, scopes, automated turrets, base defenses
ArmoursmithingArmour, upgrades and new properties for armour, base defenses
LockpickingSecurity systems, lockboxes
DemolitionsGrenades, bombs, shaped charges, rockets
ChemistrySynthesising compounds, making drugs
MathematicsWriting computer code
SurgeryNot much use to build anything, but vital to install devices in a human subject
CybersurgeryAs per surgery, but specifically for devices wired into the nervous system and brain
ElectronicsAny electronic devices
NanotechnologyVery small devices, anything using nanites as part of the device

In addition several projects will require multiple skills. These can come from different characters working together. For example, building a computer requires Electronics for the device itself and Mathematics for an operating system to run it. Building a new device to detect specific anomalies and their effects would need Electronics combined with Physics, Biology or Chemistry, depending on the anomaly.


The vast majority of crafting recipes have a cost in credits. This is to represent the time and effort required to scrounge up the necessary materials to feed into the printers. These might not be actual credits spent at the Bar, it might be food bought as a favour to other people who found what you need, or the cash you spent to stay alive while out hunting for scrap. How you choose to roleplay out the credit cost is up to you.

A small number of crafting projects may require a very specific part that cannot be duplicated with existing knowledge. In these instances the character can try to create a blueprint for the part, request a mission to acquire said part, or put up a bounty in the Bar for it.

rules/crafting.1709724883.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/06 11:34 by mochtire