The Zone

A Near Future Sci-Fi LARP

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Getting shot or stabbed is inevitable. What matters is how you deal with it.

If you are reduced to 0 health via gunfire, or 0 hit points via melee, you will be on the floor dying. No distinction is drawn between the two for healing purposes.

If you are on the floor due to melee damage your gun will still be operational.
You should not use your firearm whilst on 0 hit points

Any character with the first aid skill can treat their own injuries at any point after they are put down. You will need to use a first aid kit and a dose of painkillers to be fully stabilised. At this point a referee will reset your headband or you can do so yourself by switching your gun off and on again using a key. As soon as it is practcial collect a Wound Card from a referee. The whole process of healing yourself should take a minimum of 60 seconds.

Treating An Injury

Using the first aid skill requires two consumable components, a first aid kit and painkillers. Each injury takes one use of the kit and one dose of painkillers to treat. If either component is not available the wound cannot be fully treated. Please check the equipment list for details on phys-repping a first aid kit and painkillers.


If you are reduced to 0 health or hit points and cannot treat your own injuries you will be reliant on someone else doing it for you. Unlike many other larp systems though there is no explicit time period that has to elapse before you die. There are only four ways to die in this game.

Nearby NPCs

If an NPC is within 2m or so of you when you are injured they can fire a single round at you and make the call “point blank”. At this point you should start a death count of 300 seconds. You will be unconscious and incapable of healing yourself with First Aid, you can only be treated by someone else. If you reach 0 on your death count your character has died.

NPCs will only use this call when briefed to do so but they will be briefed to use this call any time they are within range of a PC they can see is healing themselves. They will also make their way towards an injured PC to get in range for this call.

Bleeding Out

If you are injured and cannot treat it yourself you will die if no-one helps you. How long this takes is solely at the discretion of the referees. As a general rule if people are actively looking for you you will still be alive when they find you. If they stop looking, or there's no-one left out there to look, you will bleed to death.

Coup de Grace

Someone who is injured and has not yet been seen by a referee to be re-activated can be killed by anyone with a melee weapon or with a single bullet. Simply roleplay the hit or pull the trigger and inform the target you are carrying out a coup de grace.

NPCs can and will carry out a coup de grace on an injured player if they have been briefed to do so by the referees. This will not be a common event but it will be a possibility. Certain NPCs prefer not to leave witnesses or the option for later revenge.


Certain hazards and situations could well kill you. When you scan a QR code for the demolitions, hacking or lockpicking skills you may well take damage or even get killed outright. It is also possible for a referee to rule that an environmental hazard has killed you where appropriate.

rules/healing.1629107372.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/16 09:49 by mochtire