Wounds & Long-Term Effects
Long-Term Effects
Certain effects within the game might last across multiple events. Where these occur results will be recorded on the character database maintained by the referee team. For example;
Short-Term Effects
Anomalies, certain weapons and environmental effects can cause lingering effects to a character. Where this happens the player will be given a laminated QR code.
Lingering Combat Injuries
This is currently a proposal only.
When you return from a mission that has been a bit hectic or otherwise put your character through the wringer you can choose for your character to have suffered a lingering combat injury of some kind. A set of twenty QR codes are available, about ten of which will be stuck to the kitchen door in the Bar. When you return from a mission you can choose to scan one of the QR codes at random, and follow the instructions on that card. Every few missions the ref team will scramble the QR codes up and put a new set of ten on the door.
A sample of three of the QR codes